Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Need Some Sunshine?


I am in desparate need of a little sunshine. It appears that the sun is skipping our area right now. We had 15 days in a row with no recordable sunshine. None. Zip. Zilch. I know what your are probably thinking, "It's Michigan in the winter, what do you expect." I expect a handfull of sunny days with snow. Bright-light days. Days where there's snow and sun and it hurts your eyes it's so bright. We haven't had those.

We have also recorded 50 days in a row of some recordable precipitation. Yes folks 50 days. That's SMASHED the previous record of 35. Precipitation can be snow, sleet, rain, freezing rain...and we've had all of that in the last 50 days. And there doesn't seem to be an end to it.

And it's been unusually warm the last week or so. The weather people said it could reach 50 degrees. 50 degrees in Michigan in January. Who would have thought? Maybe there is something to this global warming thing.

Gloom and rain lately. I'm contemplating sun therapy. I saw it on the new last night. Supposively 40 minutes with this special lamp and all your winter blues should be cured...ha, ha, ha.

So all you people living in the sunny regions...please send some my way. I need it. Really.


Anonymous said...

Ahh - you should have been in Kazoo on Sunday - we had sun - big bright beautiful sun, the kind of sun that makes you think of spring. This weird warm weather is kind of confusing. I wonder if February will be bitter cold. I hope my lilac bushes don't start budding this week.

Lin said...

FIFTY straight days??? That is criminal, or it should be! Those sun lamps for people suffering from sunlight deprivation are supposed to work really well. Roll on spring!

We lived in Milwaukee for many years and I well remember those winters. I guess this winter, though, started off cold and then just turned to cold, damp & grey.

Anonymous said...
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jlb said...

well, you know me Miss Jackie...I'm bitchy all the time anyways ;)

Looks like I got a little spam here....hmmmm.