Thursday, November 09, 2006

Red Hot

In an attempt to feel young, my hubby and I went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers last week. Actually, I had wanted to see the Chili Peppers for a long time so I got my wish.

The concert was fantastic. I could have done without the opener, who I thought was absolutely terrible. So terrible, I can't even remember the name of them! Anyhoo, the Chili Peppers played a good variety of hits from today and "yesteryear" including Under the Bridge and Give It Away in their encore. I really was just blown away by their musical talent. I always new they were good, but I have a whole new respect for them musically after seeing them live.

There were a couple of notable "fan" moments from the stands. Firstly, we had an absolute flailing, wanna-be-band member sitting next to us and his freakishly off beat date. He even brought his air-guitar with him. I'm surprised that my hubby didn't end up with bruises from the amount of limbs flinging about.

Another notable fan moment was when the lead screecher from the opening band decided to mess with the crowd. He went down into the crowd and was knocking people's beer out of their hands and up into the air. I would have been pissed if it was me...and I could tell much of the crowd in the floor seat were pissed.

I only witnessed one joint being lit up in the arena, which of course amazed me that it was only also amazed the young, naive girl sitting next to me who didn't seem to understand what the "weird smell" was. Her boyfriend on the other hand wanted to know where it was coming from.

All in all, it was an excellent show.