Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pet Peeves

Everyone has them. Those habits of other people that drive up the freaking walls; make you want to tear your hair out and yell "what the hell?" Ok, mine is timeliness. I cannot stand tardiness. I myself cannot stand being late for anything. I don't even like being fashionably late. I feel that a set time is when you should be there and you shouldn't disrespect the other party(ies) by being late. It's very rude.

I use to work with this girl, HB, who just did not know how to be on time. Her commute to work was short like mine. But she was habitually late. Like every day. When you back up someone for phone support, this gets old real fast. The little group of "early risers" used to stand around the coffee pot and take bets on how late she would be, if she would show at all (she was also sick a lot). I just didn't get it. After you figured out you were 5-10 minutes late everyday, wouldn't you set your alarm that much earlier? I find this type of behavior disrespectful not only to the employer, but to the other co-workers in the office that have to work a little bit harder just to make up for your 5 minutes of laziness. Do you know how many minutes of the year that adds up to? Do the math, it's a lot.

You may wonder, what's bringing on this little rant. In one word, the Outlaws (see previous post). They stopped by on Saturday and we decided to meet up on Sunday for dinner. No concrete plans made, just a vague dinner some time Sunday evening. My outlaws do not have phone service at the new house. They are too cheap to get one just for the summer. Their cell phones also do not get service seeing as how close to Lake Michigan they are. So there is no way for us to call them to make these plans. So we wait for the phone call from them to firm up the plans. Mom-outlaw calls at 3:30 and we decide we will go out for dinner (it was just way to friggin' hot to cook). They would meet us at our house at 5:30.

So 5:30 rolls around and they aren't there. Ok. I can tolerate a little late. 5:45, they still aren't there. 6:00...okay this is a little rude. 6:25. APPROACHING ONE HOUR. CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT READ YOUR WATCHES???!!!! At this point, I'm hungry, my hubby is hungry. Every minute that passes I become more and more unpleasant to be around. We decide that if they aren't there at 6:30 we'll leave them a note and go. As we are writing the note and hunting for the every allusive tape, they pull in the driveway. No story, no excuses, no apologies. 1 hour and 32 minutes late, I at least want to hear a good story as to why you are late. If you don't have one, make one up, be creative...It will at least kill the void of the uncomfortable silence because Hubby and I are too pissed to talk.

So when is being late, too late?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Outlaws

The Outlaws are coming, the Outlaws are coming....One if by land two if by....oh whatever....

My inlaws bought a house near us. A summer house on Lake MI. My father-inlaw has already been in town for a couple of weeks now (he's a teacher with summers off). Tomorrow my mother-inlaw flys in. I'm thrilled can you tell? At least they have their own house now...Let me explain.

You see for Christmas this past year, I entertained the family at my house. Being newlyweds and having a central location, everyone else decided it would be the place to be (everyone else decided this without our consent--but we were forced to go along because the plans were already made). We have a pretty big house, 4 bedrooms 2 baths. We had 4 extra adults and 2 kids sleeping in our house. Our house suddenly felt too small. We needed an extra room, and extra bath, a padded cell. Try stuffing a turkey that has to get in the oven at a certain time, making breakfast for your company and watching a 6month old at the same time because her mom wants to take a shower and grandma is eating breakfast...none of these people being your own family rather your married-into-family, you don't want to impose on anyone; you want to be the perfect host.

I'm fortunate that the meal (for 13 people) turned out okay. No major problems...but lets say, I didn't enjoy Christmas that much last year...and I hated neglecting my own family completely because people were staying at my house. And then Christmas day passed...and they were still there...for almost a week. I've learned from this...it won't happen again this year.

In two weeks the whole fan-damily will be in town. All convening in the same city for 4 days once again. The stars must be in alignment or something. I'm sure I'll have some frightening posts. There are always stories to tell. I don't know if Holland, MI can handle the excitement. I'm am just glad that only one person will be staying with me this time. No 6 month olds screaming through the night. No two year olds feeding my cats an entire bag of cat treats (yes, an entire bag that I had HIDDEN in my dresser). No crowds in my kitchen. No extra trips to Sam's to stock pile for the army I'm feeding. Someone else can have these things this time.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


That's me, a book-aholic. If there were some kind of book-aholics annonymous program, I'd probably have to go. I can't seem to get enough of books. I love those houses that you go into that are just filled with books where you approach the walls and stacks of books in awe. It's comforting to me, books that is.

I still remember the first chapter book I ever read, Charlotte's Web. Oh how I loved that book. I think I was about 7 or 8. I still have that book. I'm a collector you see. I have lots-o-books. To list a few of my childhood favorites: Anne of Green Gables (the darn series), The Secret Garden (boy was I mesmerized by the language and mystery in that one in 6th grade), To Kill a Mockingbird (8th grade), and A Separate Peace (8th grade). My parents fed my addicition with books when I asked for them. Going to the bookstore was a special treat that I absolutely loved. I could spend my entire allowance there.

This year for Christmas we did wishlists on Amazon. My husband asked me what I really wanted off of my list and I told him "the books, please." And he obliged. I received 4 books. Unfortunately, I burn through books so fast that it really didn't keep my addiction fed long enough.

During certain times of the year I don't read as much as others. But right now is my prime reading time. I love a good book and the beach, a good book and a glass of wine, or a good book and quietness. Books allow me to escape. Escape into other people's lives. Escape into there personalities...I can appreciate the characters that I can relate to. I can appreciate the characters I loothe. Books with good character development are the best.

Last week my latest shipment came. I ordered 4 books and 3 of them arrived (I pre-ordered Harry Potter...so that won't come until next week). I was so delighted to see the package at the front door. I'm already through with one of the books. It was really entertaining and enjoyable for a summer read--A Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing.

I also have a problem getting rid of books. I can't seem to let go. People have told me to have a garage sale or to sell them to a second hand store, but I just can't. I can't. They are mine. They are my stories.

This morning they had something on the news about how the pope feels about Harry Potter books...well to hell with that! I think it's great so many kids want to read. Do you really think they are running out to cast spells on people...now come on!! But that's another post.

Anyways, I love my books. Some day I'll take a look at my shelves and give ya'll a listing of my top ten. For now...I think I'll go feed my addiction.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Oink Oink

I have not been able to write like I usually do. Between the tiling (which isn't complete yet) and my father-inlaw flying in, there just hasn't been time. Not to mention that he has been hogging my computer.

I was all poised to write last night. I had an idea--a thought I needed to express. But my father-inlaw beat me to the computer last night. My oh-so-loving husband set him up on my computer to download some picutres and do some emailing that he needed to take care. I thought "oh this shouldn't take long," but I was wrong. He got on my computer at 8 pm...at 10 he was just finishing up his email. 2 hours, 1 email. I was too tired and the creative spirit had left me by then. Urg.

So, if there aren't very many posts, it's not for lack of not wanting to write. Damn computer hog.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hey, Have a Scoop

This morning I awoke just like I do any other morning. The alarm goes off...I quickly scurry to turn it off....Turn on the TV to catch the days weather (because in Michigan you never know what the day might bring)...Only today I didn't see the weather. I saw some horrific scene in London. Horrible. I could only imagine what the people in the subways were going through. I just couldn't believe it. So I watched a few minutes longer then I should before getting in the shower. I went through the remainder of my morning routine, got in the car and headed off on my 35 minute commute to work. I figured this would be all over the news. I have a radio in my car and one on my desk. I should be able to stay up to date on the events, no problem. How wrong I was.

Firstly I put on my favorite radio station. Nothing. Not a single mention of it in ten minutes. Hello, world, can we say major event happening? Yes, it didn't happen here in the good ole U-S-A, but come on now. Isn't this newsworthy? I did find out that it is national ice cream day. Wahoooo. Vanilla or chocolate?

Frustrated, I tried to tune in an AM station thinking I would have a better chance with the news there. Wrong. Just call-ins talking about the middle east and how bad everyone over there is. Not what I wanted to hear. I wanted the facts. I wanted to know how the leaders of the world were taking stands on all this. I didn't get it. But hey, it's national ice cream day. Strawberry anyone?

When I got to work, I had the radio on all day. No updates. No news. Music and babble. That's it.

Hearing that it was national ice cream day and not hearing the real scoop has pissed me off. Where are our priorities? Isn't England one of our "friends?" Why wasn't I hearing anything about this? Are we so f**ed-up that we don't care about other nations besides our own? Where's the compassion in that? Have we no feelings for the other people of this world? I don't understand it all.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Here's the progress thus far.

Tiling my life away

Sorry I've been away....we are tiling...I'll write more when we are done and post some pictures. Until then hope ya'll are well and had a good 4th of July.