Thursday, September 29, 2005

Cards Anyone?

I've been away from blogging for a bit. Life has been going fast. Every weekend there has been something to do. People to see. Places to go. Cards to play.

This past weekend we had a wonderful Saturday celebrating a friends birthday. We had a delicious meal at one of Kalamazoo's finer dining establishments and a couple of delicious drinks. Nobody seemed to be up for the raucous times we usually are so we went back to the birthday boy's abode to play Euchre.

Euchre is my favorite card game. I am a highly competitive person and this game is usually fast and competitive. I wasted many a college night playing cards instead of studying. I think it is essential to learn this game if going to school Michigan.

We laid the ground the rules as screw the dealer and no bottoms. (you would understand this if you have played Euchre) Anyways, birthday boy and his lady skunked hubby and I in the first game. It was embarrassing. Birthday boy really started with the table talk after that. He thought he was all that and more...until we won the second game. Now the true competitiveness came out. The game wasn't going fast enough for me. I was thinking too much...I made a couple of mistakes. The score was tied up. Birthday boy was talking trash. Whomever won the hand won the game...and the tournament (so to speak). Thankfully, the gods were in our favor.

I love a good game of cards. Anyone want to play?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Seasons-They Are a Changin'

Eventhough today felt like a warm summer day, the trees are telling me that the autumn weather is on its way. At lunch today I drove down to Lake Michigan to watch the waves crash in and catch that last little bit of summer.

I was pleasantly surprised that on the way home today there was a beautiful red, orange, yellow and green canopy over the roads. Fall is the most gorgeous time of year here. At least I think it is.

With the change in the weather also comes change in my life. Last week I accepted a new job and gave notice at my old one. Today was actually my last day of work there. It feels kind of weird. I'm excited to start my new job. I went from a 40 minute commute to a 5 minute. Can't beat that with a stick. Yes, the work is similar to what I was doing before, but I will have more responsibility and a fancy-shmanzy job title. Plus, hardly any miles put on the new car...or gas for that matter. I figure I'm saving in gas alone damn near $200 a month...that's a lot of $$$$.

So times, they are a changin'. Right along with the seasons.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Mixed Emotions

I'm very saddened over hurricane Katrina and what it has done to our country right now. Not only am I saddened for the victums, those poor innocent people who were completely devasted by this storm, but I'm saddened by our government.

I really don't care who's to blame for the relief effort not happening fast enough. Finger pointing should come later, much later. Let's help people first and figure out who's to blame once these cities are rebuilt. That's the time to learn from this. Right now. Help. Help. Help.

I was saddened to see that this was our Prez's first visit on the ground of this diaster. He should be inspiring people by getting in the thick of it; not cowering away.

I am happy to see how much money the Red Cross and other organizations have raised to help the people of the gulf region. We are a generous folk when it comes to helping our own. I have two to three bags of clothes to donate if they'll take them. I just have to figure out where to drop them off at.

Anyways, I do hope that we rebuild the Gulf region and are stronger because of it. I hope we learn from our mistakes and that the next time a natural disaster is on the way that we are more proactive. I hope that all those families find their love ones. I pray for us.

Fun, Sun, & Family

I had an absolutely wonderful time with my family this weekend at the lake. My parents, my sister, her husband and my niece all came up to the outlaws' beach house for some fun in the sun.

It was the first time (and probably the last this year) that my fam was able to enjoy Lake Michigan this year. We had a beautiful day. The water was a bit chilly, but by Lake Michigan standards it was pretty warm.

After the day in the sun we did some burgers and stuff for din-din. I'm so glad I moved closer to my family so I can have moments like these.

Here's a pic of my niece from the weekend sporting her new shades.