Thursday, December 22, 2005

Holiday Stress

The Holidays have been very stressful for me the last few days. I am still trying to figure out how I will get everything done. I'm hoping that I'll at least be able to relax enough to enjoy them.

My court case was settled the day before court incase you were wondering. I did not have to skip work or fly out to Cali for the ordeal. The lawyer worked her magic somehow. It was a horrible ordeal though to go through and I'm glad it's over.

Now for the weekend ahead. Tomorrow night at the out-laws after working a full day. Saturday a drive into my hometown to Hubby's Aunt's house for the Christmas eve celebration...then visit with friends that evening, and hopefully, sleep for a couple of hours before heading down to my Grandparents in Indiana for Christmas day. If we get home in time...more visiting with my hubby's friends. It's a lot to cram into a short period. Yes, it has me a little stressed out.

So wish me luck that I don't lose my sanity along the way. Merry Christmas to everyone.

1 comment:

Lin said...

Try and remember to have some fun as well! So pleased about your court case. What a relief.

Merry Christmas!